Friday, April 22, 2011

This is a student at Pima Community College: that the crime is unconstitutional!

This is a student at Pima Community College: that the crime is unconstitutional!

This is a student at Pima Community College: that the crime is unconstitutional!

إذا كنت لا تحصل على دفعة للشراء ، ثم إنني وقعت ضحية Fraud. أنا لا تتلقى الدفع الشراء. ولذلك ، أنا وقعت ضحية Fraud.

All purchases in the course of education in the United States is now unconstitutional in the United States of America because of Article 10 of the Constitution of the United States of America. Student to pay the path of Pima Community College is to buy in the cycle of education in the United States now. Therefore, students pay for community college course Pima is unconstitutional in the United States of America because of Article 10 of the Constitution of the United States of America.

If you receive a note from the category of Pima Community College, and then receive the vote is unconstitutional because the law of the rights of the United States. Received a note from the category of Pima Community College. Therefore, you receive non-voting rights law unconstitutional because the United States. Rating to buy from Pima Community College fees are unconstitutional.

United States of America, and the Ministry of Education to enable the school to work is unconstitutional or the United States of America, and the Ministry of Education and educational institutions free of charge for the operation of the Constitution. United States of America, and the Ministry of Education is not a constitutional institution to work. Thus, the United States of America, the Ministry of Education and the educational institution free to run the Constitution.

If the police remove you from the school to talk during the withdrawal from the school to talk unconstitutional in the United States. The police will withdraw from the school to talk. So that you can withdraw from the school to talk about the unconstitutionality of the United States. This is cheating because the police is unconstitutional!

Every police officer in the United States now is action unconstitutional. Pima Community College police and police in the United States. Therefore, Pima Community College police work is unconstitutional. Police work is unconstitutional!

All programs of the College of the United States of America is in the colleges is unconstitutional, according to the Constitution of the United States of America. Pima Community College is a college program in the United States of America. Therefore, Pima Community College is a college that is unconstitutional under the Constitution of the United States of America.

بيما كلية المجتمع كل فئة تستخدم المصدر المفتوح للتعليم على شبكة الإنترنت. الجبر هي فئة بيما كلية المجتمع. وهكذا ، فإن الجبر هو مصدر الحرة للتعليم على شبكة الإنترنت. كل فئة بيما كلية المجتمع هي دائما عملية Fraud!

If you're reading and writing in English grammar, then you know the rules of the English language. You do not know the rules of the English language. Thus, you do not know how to read and write in English. Most of the teachers and students at Pima Community College are illiterate.

If I think that the addition of the symbol 1 and number of letters in the alphabet and the order of the day, then I think that the establishment of a new symbol and the number of alphabets and rules of the current number. I think that the addition of code and No. 1 in the alphabet and number system today. So I think creating a new symbol and the number of alphabets and rules of the current number. You can control the grammar!

Do not be afraid to find out that you can not find the location of an object: Most students can not locate this topic! Most people know all the subjects for mind control and brainwashing! Students is unconstitutional to pay for free education! Students participate in a center for torture! You know the teachers are crooks?

Now you know - a crime in every constitutional College! You should not pay the money to freedom of expression is unconstitutional! Do not trust the current government, and the listener!

This is a student at Pima Community College: that the crime is unconstitutional!

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